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First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:47 pm
by Toby
I just wonder if it is just me, of if more of you have this.

While filming new tricks somehow the first attempt is many times the best.
You might have crashed the same trick the day before 30 times...and then next day first attempt...landed!

I had this two times today, with tricks I tried for a while...first attempt today landed...then afterwards crashes again.

I used to play Golf...there it is go to the driving range, first strokes perfect straight...then they go everywhere ;-)

I think it has to do that you think less, and just do it...

Anyway, just wondering if other people had this too, since it becomes currently the running gag with my cameraman!

I am at the point, that I don't do test runs with the trick I want to film...until the camera etc is all set to make sure the first attempt is a clear shot.

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:15 pm
by plummet
I'm am not a trickster. but i am the opposite. i have to warm into my session. If i step on the water and roll straight into crazy i'll stuff it up big time. but if i've been kiting for 15-20 mins then let the crazy begin.

Somedays i have the zen and everthing works and other days... crappola.

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:05 pm
by tautologies
I think it is because you let your brain rest a little for the next day. If you force it, and then get stressed out, there is no way. I am the same way.

If you can manage to think and imagine doing the trick, your brain can just react as you imagined, which makes it a lot easier. It is hard when you are out there to do that.

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:26 pm
by alex85
I think it happens because kitesufing is more about feeling than thinking..."more hearth and less brain" my grandfather always said... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:02 pm
by Toby
Yes, a lot about feeling!
But, once you have the first attempt, you don't have that feeling.
It then takes many times to get it again...if ever that day.

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:29 pm
by tautologies
I have to imagine the move, then practice in my head before I even get anything. Not about feeling for me.

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:52 pm
by darippah
definitely true for me.. i read up and play over every move in my head 100's of times before attempting it so the first time I do it I have all that knowledge fresh in my head. then once i succeed I'm all cocky and faceplant

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:14 am
by knotwindy
after landing the first try I not only get cocky but I also try to repeat what I just did instead of doing it from feeling like the first try and then really screw up

you can not try to repeat what you just did, gotta do it new till you have the feeling set

Re: First Attempt Crazyness

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:16 am
by Ned Divine
The beggining of a session is also my chance to land new things. Not tired, not bruised, clear head, usually fewer people in the water, fresh desire to land the trick I have been trying last time.

There can be many reasons for it but the fact is that if I don't land a new trick in the first 15-30 minutes, I will have to accept "perfecting" (best euphemism for "repeating") old tricks (...and/or failing the new one repeatedly in order to maybe suceed next time... ) 8)
darippah wrote: then once i succeed I'm all cocky and faceplant
:lol: :lol: :lol: ever so true mate, thanks for the good loud laugh!!