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15 m speed + head high waves + 16-20 knots = very silly

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:14 pm
by plummet
Well coulding be bothered pumping yesterday so I fired up my 15m speed3 16-20 knots.

The sea was lumpy and have head high plus waves coming through.

The speed 3 is a flat water charger. it loves speed and cranking flat water. its certainly the worse kite i have ever used in the waves. Its too slow and that train like power doesn't stop evening if your smash straight through a massive wave lip.... you just smash straight through and carry on out the otherside.

Anyway. lift was emence, timing the ride out through the swell was some what mad because the kite was too slow to react to the fast changing surf. I did some mad high speed jumps over white wash when haaving to release and pop over the waves white the kite was still climbing to the zenith.

Any way. after 15-20 mins of getting smashing miss timing waves I manage to get my grove on and start timing the take off on the 1.5 head pitching wave and yeha.boost.. glide .... watch the wave crashing undernieth me.... buttery soft landing to shit theres another one coming boooost... glide glide... oh dear landing right in the next face ... smash....

what a crazy crazy session.

an unlikely but enjoyable session of madness amongst the waves. not your traditional wave riding session but big grins just the same.

Re: 15 m speed + head high waves + 16-20 knots = very silly

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:09 pm
by gmb13

Any 15m2 in 16 knots plus is too big for Wave riding.

I use the 15 if the wind is max 12knots or less with a surfboard for down the line unhooked top to bottom surfing. That is pretty much what the Speed 3 15m2 can do in Waves. It was never designed to be a wave kite, and to be honest, no one really does any serious kite wave riding with such a big kite. For fun maybe, but unless the conditions line up nicely, kites bigger than 12 don't really work too well.


Re: 15 m speed + head high waves + 16-20 knots = very silly

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:23 pm
by plummet
yes i would have had a traditional wave session on my 10m c4 in 16-20 knots.

but that was not what I was after. I felt like trying to tame a wild animal!

PS i'm keen to see any footage you have of light wind speed 3 down the line wave riding. In my cross on location the only down the line action i get on the speed is when i loop it. overwise it looses line tension and starts flapping its way down to the water.

Re: 15 m speed + head high waves + 16-20 knots = very silly

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:32 am
by gmb13
plummet wrote:yes i would have had a traditional wave session on my 10m c4 in 16-20 knots.

but that was not what I was after. I felt like trying to tame a wild animal!

PS i'm keen to see any footage you have of light wind speed 3 down the line wave riding. In my cross on location the only down the line action i get on the speed is when i loop it. overwise it looses line tension and starts flapping its way down to the water.
You cannot have down the line wave riding in Cross on winds unless your wave is breaking at a strange angle. You need the wind to be pretty much 90° to the waves direction of travel.
