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Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:26 pm
by Hernan
I flyed my X2 20 for second time yesterday, it looks and feel like an improved airblast. How it react to steering, bar pressure, is the same thing (I like it).
The differences are more in how the kite is contructed and materials, what gives a more rigid structure.
I ll like to see the new takoons. I seems that everybody is following what Bruno has done before.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 5:14 pm
by fokiten
On JO's stacking post was the first time i have seen x2 flying looks like my 02 air blast was my comment. The immportant thing for me is that it works as well or better than my airblast, if so i may buy one IF, I can get past the goofy ass wing tips, the supid heavy scrim, or is that on the x10? well what i am saying is i indorse steeling and coppying if i get a better kite But i can do without gimmicky bull-shit like windsurf HY-tech I indorse the crimminal element in kite design but think gimmicky stuff is crimminal.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 5:50 pm
The X2 doesn't use scrim.... jumps awesome and turns fast... you'll love it....

BLOWN AWAY :smile:

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 8:50 pm
by aklbob
Coming from a 11.8 and 8.4 01 Airblast myself, I was right at home with them, I replaced my original quiver with a 12 X2 and 18 X2, which are the exact equivalent sizes, and due to the more powerful profile of the X2, I've lost about 3 knots off the top end of my high wind kite, and the low end of the 18 is approx 1 knot better. Turning speed is very similar on the 12, but I use a much smaller bar on the 18 than I used to use on my 11.8. The lift is significantly better..