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Drill 1 instructional land kite DVD

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:59 am
by Toby
Are you hoping to promote landboarding within your shop? If so Drill1 is an item which must be stocked in you store. We worked with one of the top pioneers of land boarding to direct and make Drill 1, Alex Brown from the UK. Alex has secured the first professional contract in the sport and a signature model board from MBS.

Drill1 is the first full-length landboarding instructional DVD which is great for beginners and intermediates alike, which aids the progression of flying and boarding. Starting from looking at the wind and conditions, the 45 minute movie talks through 6 chapters instructing your customers to safely learn how to kite land board!

Chapter list:

1. wind and conditions
2. padding and safety
3. different types of kites
4. flying kites (2 lines and 4)
5. boards
6. working with a board and kite