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Beach Launch Procedure

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:51 pm
by Toby
Need a launch?

1. Place board so you can easily get it on your way to
the water.

2. Pick up your own kite
Watching out that the sand you put on it doesn't blow into
someone's eyes. Better to gently grasp the canopy and let
the sand fall off the front rather than flipping the kite with
all the sand still on it.

3. Clean off the sand if applicable (ever heard of de-icing?)

4. Straighten your bridals if you have any.

5. Signal for some help.
But not someone who is in the middle of attaching their lines.

6. Give Launcher your clean kite and exchange greeting.

7. Quickly move to your bar.

8. Quickly move to correct position so Launcher doesn't need to move.
-if space allows.

9. Tension lines and check for proper attachment and absence of tangles.
Check that bar is parallel to kite tips.
Launcher please be vigilant as well.

10. Signal for launch: arm/thumb up

11. Launcher make sure the is canopy is tight.

12. Launcher wait utill airspace is clear and release

13. Rider thank Launcher. Launcher wish rider a fun session.