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safety release

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:17 am
by Guest
who can offer me some resonable launch video link with safety aspects? There are in the net always jumps and jibe`s and so worth.
Why I can`t download some resonable kite safety videos from net? I have peter lynn`s arc and this video what came with the package is not very helpful. :(

I know training side a teacher is way better than...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:37 am
by alexhargreaves
If you can go search some teacher.
Very good heve some videos, important also!
Search and by good one!

Its practice and will make diference than only look on a DVD or Video.
training your sense of speed and distance, we have to really avoid obstacles and thinking really long distance from hard obstacles...gusty, lifted...onsore winds...but schools doing good in that!

Also how to proceed when you have problems, lot lines and selfrescue,
...I use always Wipika and Naish...I have less experience in Foils.

Good luck!